How to display space logo by user macro

BlueberryCake January 16, 2019

Hi Community,

we are going to display a list of spaces, filtered by category as mentioned here. The macro code given there is working well (Ver 6.6)

As we're using descriptive icons along with spaces, I want to display an ordered list of spaces just as it's looking in the "Space directory"  Have searched the web as well as Atlassian community but didn't find any hints. 

Many thanks in advance!

1 answer

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Dmitry April 25, 2019


#foreach ( $space in $spaces )






Florian Luber May 27, 2019

Hi Dmitry,

I tried

<td class="confluenceTd"><img class="space logo" width="32" height="32"
src="$spaceManager.getLogoForSpace($!space.key).getDownloadPath()"/> <a  href="$req.contextPath$space.getUrlPath()">$space.getName()</a></td>

 I get the space name and link, but the for the logo I only get the "image not found icon".
Do you have an idea?

Rene Minder August 16, 2019

Hi Florian, Dmitry

Download path would require the users to have access to the space for download the logo still.

I.e. I am facing the same issue and try to find a way how the logo could be displayed to users that don't have access to the respective space.

Anyone any idea?


Florian Luber August 23, 2019

Hi René,

sorry, I didn't get any further with this.

Even though I have access to the spaces, I can't get the logos.

Rene Minder October 10, 2019

Hi Florian, all

Please vote for to get this addressed.



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