How to change the display name of a user (assignee)?

Bhavik.Shah September 19, 2024


I recently created 3 new Jira Agents/Assignee accounts for 3 respective Development teams. Note the accounts created are Outlook Distribution lists and not an inbox, so one cannot login using these emails in Atlassian.

The assignee "dev-platform-engineering" has got created in smaller case for some reason, unlike the other 2 accounts (attached screenshot). I would like to update the Assignee name to appear with the starting words in upper case as "Dev-Platform-Engineering". Within Atlassian as an admin I cannot find a way to edit this name. I also tried the option of "Remove user from site" and recreating it as "Dev-Platform-Engineering" but it does not change the display name as it activates back the old removed account.

Any suggestions how to fix this? update display name dev-platform-engineering to uppr case.jpg

remove user.jpg




See attached screenshots for details.

2 answers

1 vote
Manoj Gangwar
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September 19, 2024

Hi @Bhavik_Shah 

To resolve the issue of the case sensitivity for the assignee name in Jira, you can follow these steps:

  1. User Management in Atlassian Admin:

    • Go to your Atlassian Admin Console.
    • Navigate to User management and then Users.
    • Search for the account "dev-platform-engineering".
  2. Edit the Display Name:

    • In some Atlassian products, the display name might be editable directly from the user management section. If you see an option to edit the display name, change it to "Dev-Platform-Engineering".
    • If this option is not available, it might be tied to how the email/username was originally set.
  3. Check Group Memberships:

    • If the distribution list is associated with specific groups or roles, check if there's a naming convention or policy that overrides the display name.
  4. Atlassian Support:

    • If you still can't change it, consider reaching out to Atlassian Support. They may have the ability to modify display names for cases like this.
  5. Create a New Account (Last Resort):

    • If all else fails, and you want to keep "Dev-Platform-Engineering" as the name, you could create a new distribution list in Outlook with that name and then add that to Jira. However, make sure to remove the old one properly to avoid conflicts.
Bhavik.Shah September 20, 2024

Hi Manoj,

Thank you for the feedback. Under User Management -> User, after searching the User and clicking on it there is no option to edit the user's display name.


Edit Jira properties: there is no option to edit the display name.


I have also tried to remove the user as below and adding it back:

remove user.jpg




The user has been removed.


Now inviting the user back with the correct format as below:



Once the user is invited, it again has the same old display name. Looking at the new user url it is same as the old user, indicating Atlassain jus re-enables the disabled account since the email address being used is the same.



Note: I have also reached out to Atlassain support, but they are asking me to login as dev-platform-engineering and make the change, which I can't do as this email is just an email distribution list and not an inbox. As such they don't have a solution.

0 votes
John Funk
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September 20, 2024

Hi Bhavik,

You cannot change the name directly yourself - the user must do that. However, you can suggest that they make the change. Go to Settings > User Management and click on the name of the user. 

Under the avatar of the user and general information you should see a link for Suggest changes. Click on that and it will open a popup box. There you can put in the suggested change for the Full Name. Then click Submit. 

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