How to Duplicate Confluence and Jira for a new Company?

Kevin Libawski July 19, 2020


I just sold my company and want to hand over Jira and Confluence Cloud to the new owner but also duplicate everything into a new company to still have all the documentations and templates we created.

Is it possible to export the whole Confluence and Jira Setup and import it into a new account?

We already started and exported some things manually and set up new spaces and pages in the new companies account, so I am trying to figure out how I can automate the export for everything that's left in the old companies Atlassian Setup without deleting the new stuff we added to the new company's setup.

Thank you very much in advance!h

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 19, 2020

You can use admin -> backup to get a download of everything.  That can then be uploaded into a new Cloud system or imported into a server system to replicate what you have in the old system

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