I opened up the Create from Template macro so that I could allow Blog pages as a sub-page to the parent page I created, and for me (Confluence 5.7.3), Blog isn't in the template list. Maybe Blog isn't a template, but regardless, how can I add a Create Blog button?
As an alternative, can I rename the Blog link in the sidebar?
Hi Sal,
A blog is not a page so it can not be a child of any page.
more info https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Pages+and+Blogs
Now to create a blog, I created this user macro where you specify the space where to create the blog and any label you want to add
## @param Name:title=Name|type=string|desc=Button Text ## @param space:title=Space|type=spacekey ## @param label:title=Label|type=string|desc=Label to add to the new post #if(!$paramlabel) #set($paramlabel ="") #end <a href="/pages/createblogpost.action?spaceKey=$paramspace&labelsString=$paramlabel" class="aui-button"><span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-add-comment">Add </span> $paramName</a>
Thanks Nelson. Playing with how Blogs are organized, it became clear that they were treated differently and couldn't be nested... though I think that's more due to implementation than any real issue with nesting one or more blog hierarchies.
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See here for a more recent verson of the same question: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Questions/How-can-I-create-a-blog-button/qaq-p/586394/comment-id/50584#M50584
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This process, from this post, will produce a link instead.
If you want to try, replace the CAPS text in the steps below with your own values
1. Went to my personal space overview:
2. Copy SPACE_NUMBER to the clipboard.
3. Delete everything starting with /spaces to the end of the url.
4. Replace what you deleted with /pages/createblogpost.action?spaceKey=SPACE_NUMBER
That new URL can now be bookmarked as a "Create new blog post" shortcut.
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