How can I add this option to Confluence?

Y. Oezl March 21, 2024

Hello dear Community,

Unfortunately I don't know, what does even mean. But At picture there is information text, I can't touch them but if I want to write on it, they dissapear. 



is that possible to do that with Confluence standard elements ? Or do I need something else. Because I found template and it came like that, but when I try to add this option, I could not find any option for it

That would be great, if you help me about this situation: Element name will be enough. or short explanation :)

Thank you for your help. 

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March 21, 2024
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Y. Oezl March 21, 2024

Hi Benjamin, 

Thanks your your answer. Now I got the point. I need to create new Template then I can add "Placeholder text"


Many Thanks again.

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March 21, 2024

Hi @Y. Oezl ,


Correct! Most welcome!



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