Guest not able to access space?

Youmna Alomari April 15, 2024


My guest is still encountering this issue even though I've granted them guest permissions in Atlassian and assigned them the necessary space access. I've also double-checked the guest list in the space and their permissions, but they're still unable to access. Any advice on what I might be missing?



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Trudy Claspill
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April 15, 2024

Hello @Youmna Alomari 

Can you confirm that this question concerns the Confluence Cloud product? It is listed in the Jira Software Questions forum, but Guest access is limited to the Confluence product. If this is indeed about Confluence then I will move it to the Confluence forum.

Youmna Alomari April 15, 2024

Yes, it is Confluence Cloud. Sorry, my mistake! 

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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April 15, 2024

Can you share screen images for the following?

  • The screen where you "granted them guest permissions in Atlassian". Obscure confidential information like name and email.
  • The permissions page for the space in Confluence where you granted the guest access.

Have you confirmed that they are logged into Atlassian with the email associated to the Atlassian Cloud user account that you granted access?

Youmna Alomari April 15, 2024



I'm checking with him. Haven't received a response back yet. 

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