Display Field is not showing when creating a JIRA Issue Date Event

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May 1, 2020

Certain users are not able to see the Display field when creating a JIRA Issue Dates Calendar Event. 

Those same users who can't see the display field, are also not able to see the current events that have been created previously in the team calendar.

Possible setting that is not allowing them to see the display field?



Screen Shot 2020-05-01 at 10.41.53 AM.png

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Brant Schroeder
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October 19, 2021


Confluence calendar only restricts calendars as a whole.  https://support.atlassian.com/confluence-cloud/docs/restrict-a-calendar/

I believe that those individuals are not able to see those calendar items because they do not have access to the project.  Please check their project access and ensure that they can see the project in Jira.

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