Can't jump to Anchor pages containing images at the top of the page!

Madhav Gudimetla V February 25, 2019

Include plugin in your confluence.

Create pages and sub pages and include images inside these pages and sub pages.

In one of the sub pages where there is a image on top, and some fairly large text in the page, create an anchor somewhere at the bottom of the page.

In the main page, create a link pointing to the anchor in sub pages. Publish both pages.

Click on the link in main page to see if user is navigated to the anchor page where there is a image.

It can be noticed that the user is not navigated correctly to the anchor handle but somewhere near the top of the page.

It must also be observed that the image loads when the page actually moved to anchor position. By the time image gets loaded, the page view gets re-adjusted, therefore removing the anchored spot from view. 

This is a bug, and needs to be fixed. Or, did someone already faced this problem, and have a solution. Please let me know.

1 answer

1 vote
Marija Radovic
Rising Star
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February 26, 2019


Thanks for contacting us.

At the moment, doesn't support using anchors for Confluence Cloud (only for Confluence Server) but feel free to vote for this feature request here:


Kind regards,

Marija support

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