Can't edit confluence page when I insert a html macro

lisa1017 wang
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August 14, 2018


I insert a html macro as bellow:(I need to keep this macro)html.png


And then, When I try to edit this page, it just shown as blank, And I can see the following logs:

Bootstrap:initialise: No settings found. Has preInitialise been called?
VM4526 batch.js:633 Downloading resources:
VM4526 batch.js:633 Synchrony successfully initialised.
VM4613 batch.js:1 Error running batched script.

Anyone can help? Thanks in advance.


2 answers

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Stefan Mueller February 25, 2019

I face the same problem, including Bootstrap via HTML Macro

  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>

alters the buttons on the Confluence pages, what makes it hardly usable. 

I found Limiting scope of JavaScript source, could that be a solution, I haven't got it to work yet :(.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 24, 2018

Hello Lisa!
The editor can be affected by your script, you could check the JS you are using. Another customer had a similar problem:

OK, found my own error. JS failures in the global section can apparently blow up the edit, so clearing any custom JS helps. This includes updates to "shared" JS files (stuff hosted on jquery cdn, etc), so watch out for that.

Edit screen is blank

This looks like you case, so you may need to look for options to the JS you are currently using.

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