Bug in attachment macro uploading multiple attachments at once

Jörg Edinger
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August 18, 2021

Hi all,

as described in several answers (e. g. https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-questions/Why-can-t-I-upload-multiple-files-in-Confluence/qaq-p/772252), the attachment macro does does not allow to upload multiple attachments at once. The reason is a known bug. But this bug is 3 years old (https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-58931 - I'm not able to see the ticket due to restrictions in permissions). 

We need the aforementioned macro almost every day and the so called workaround

- only allows to upload 5 attachments at once and

- it's not possible to use the drag and drop functionality (which means that every attachment has to be selected from the file explorer)

Thats a very bad user experience. 

Does other users have the same problem? What will Atlassion do (in the nearer future, not in 10 years) to solve the bug and to provide a much better user experience and to keep the customers satisfied?

Thank you




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