Hello everyone! Just being curious on what features would you add in order to make Confluence more awesome?
This feature could be for any user: regular user, admins, project managers, scrum masters, product owners...the list goes on, and you get the idea.
Looking forward to hear from you all.
Forms + some sort of DB to store & retrieve information from forms (I know there are add-ons, but imho this should be part of the core product)
Interesting, I will have look into these add-ons, can you post their names?
@Ron Confluence Databases, now a native Confluence beta feature (originally a K15t app :) ) could play some of the roles you're hinting at.
Hey @Nikola Perisic
If your interesting in a Form/Poll based solution please feel free to trial our tool, Forms for Confluence. Packed with great, easy to use features - its a powerful tool if you want to capture and manage data securely within your Confluence instance.
Many thanks,
Product Manager @ Kolekti (part of the Adaptavist Group)
I wish Confluence handled imagery better 🥹
We transform, move, copy, and duplicate pages and spaces so often and every time there are significant issues with the images. Maybe it's not a 'first world problem,' but when you download and upload images all the time, you really start to question it.
Is it like, the quality of the picture gets worse?
Oh, and Numbered Headings of course (again, I know there are add-ons but this should be part of the core product)
Ah! Flashback to the first time using Confluence "Ha! I will manually add a numbered heading to make my content more organized!"... and then having to make a small change causing in a lot of manual edits to this genius idea :D
Actual workflows! Or at least....
I want to be able to work with drafts of the pages without actually opening the Edit mode.
Confluence remembers all the drafts but hides them from view unless you Enter the edit mode.
I just need a toggle (that works on space/page levels) to display the draft without hitting Edit.
Use case: If your building a complex documentation set, you're always working with multiple pages, you shuffle content around, you compare...
Hey @Kristian Klima
Interesting point, thanks for sharing!
I'm in the process of exploring this problem space within the Atlassian ecosystem and would love to get your thoughts - i'm looking to setup some informal discussions in the coming weeks and wondered if you'd be interested in getting involved?
Many thanks,
A proper image library! I can't believe we have an image on a single page and can't be reused across multiple pages, including headers If the same image appears across multiple pages, it takes up space and also no way to see what pages have the same image, especially banners or reused photos.
If there was a single image library which hosted all image where any page can be used and if it needs to be updated, it's done in one and done across all pages.
This is a basic function in most systems, especially knowledge platforms, any html website and SharePoint (whaaaat?!?) but Confluence is still hasn't this very, very basic function.
Very interesting and a great point @PJ Dal Pozzo! Out of interest - Is this a pain your organisation is currently experiencing and your actively seeking a solution or is this more a personal viewpoint?
We have many icons and images which are branded which always get updated so to replace (say) a new icon across 1000+ pages individually is not efficient! and that the same images can be across 100's of pages is not really an great use of bytes when you can have one image located centrally and the page display just that one, and when we need to update it, its just done one and all corresponding pages get updated
So many great ideas here.
Polls were mentioned already, however here I would suggest them for internal usage and engagement.
In our case, attempting to create internal engagement for activities (especially if someone is presenting a page), means that we have to use another app outside of Confluence just to anonymously vote yes or no (we cannot install any apps on that cloud instance).
As a person who usually leads these "social" like meetings and discussions, it would be great to have more internal tools to work with, rather than asking everyone: "Now open this poll page and vote"
While this may not sound like an exciting feature, Atlassian needs to introduce a better version control system. Every time a page is saved, it goes straight to live. It needs to be updated so that we're able to identify what documents are working versions and which ones are revision versions published live for customers to see.