I really miss my anchors. Steps below are what you can do in order to use the old editor. It takes no time at all.
Brief Description: Copy a confluence page that was created on the old editor. Delete the info, change the name and publish. Move the document to where you want it to be and you now have a page to use the old editor.
Step 1:
Find an old confluence page that was created using the old editor
Step 2:
Click the menu icon (three dots) in the upper, right hand corner of the page so a drop down displays.
Click the Copy link in the drop down. A new, editable page will open. The title will be the same but it will begin with "Copy of".
Step 3:
Delete everything so the page is blank
Step 4:
Edit your title to whatever you wish
Step 5:
Publish your page
Step 6:
Move your page to where you'd like it to be (It will reside where you created it).
You've now got the old editor and can use it anytime you want. HOORAY! ANCHORS!!