UPDATE 2024-10-21
The Notion to Confluence importer is now generally available. See https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-articles/Introducing-the-Notion-Importer-Seamlessly-Bulk-Import-Your/ba-p/2813481 for details.
UPDATE 2024-09-04
The early access program is now closed. Stay tuned for the release.
Hi everyone!
I'm a product manager for Confluence. I'm excited to share that we have a new bulk importer tool built to move content from Notion to Confluence Cloud.
We're launching an Early Access Program, and looking for customers to get involved.
If you're looking to migrate from Notion to Confluence, and are interested in being involved in the EAP, let me know. You'll get access to the new tool before it's generally available, and your feedback will help shape our priorities.
Interested? Email us, or comment here with any questions.
The EAP is now closed, but feel free to comment here with any questions.
Matt Dolan
Senior Product Manager, Confluence