I think it is worth noting for the group following this announcement page as well, that while unicorn icons and rainbow pastel panel colors can be a nice addition in some cases, these new Custom Panels are still extremely limited in comparison to the original Panel Macro feature (still available in the Old Editor).
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Hey @Sekajipo Taplah sorry to mention you directly, but could you please get CONFCLOUD-66752 reopened? There's references to this functionality being the fix for that ticket, but it's an entirely separate request.
There's an old..old saying... "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear"...
Until Atlassian gets it's act together and starts rooting out some of the basic problems that plague Confluence - such as a totally useless numbering system... A sow's ear is all you're going to be left with - regardless of the pointless baubles to hang on your /panel..... utter rubbish.
Is there somewhere I can disable/leave Atlassian Confluence new features notifications yet still retain notifications when issues are reported/resolved.
I really get annoyed with this constant barrage of lovey-dovey nonsense over a CM tool. Some of us actually have to use this 'technological road crash' in earnest.
Oh so you've given us a feature for the cloud editor that was always present and more functional in the on-prem editor? Wow, well done <- sarcasm, by the way.
Now please fix the rest of the editor issues that we want sorting out.
Please bring back the on-prem version 'Panels' feature set to the cloud version. This latest update does not address/include all previous features including colored borders.
I love this for adding colour to my pages and highlighting certain content, but it is far less useful because I cannot embed other elements in this this panel. For instance, I cannot use the Image macro, or the Table of Contents macro. :-(
Is this coming to Jira Cloud ? I really hope so as it would makes issues much cleaner without icons, since you removed the markup panels stuff. I made a jira on it here for you: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-79305
When will we be able to add images inside a panel in Confluence Cloud? Atm it's just not possible and honestly, it's way more useful as a feature than being able to add custom emojis
This is a great start but far from the end goal. We need to be able to nest any and all sorts of content/macros within the panels. Carry out a full discovery on the capabilities of the original Panel Macro's, and then set out to implement as many of the core features of that plugin into the cloud equivalent.
It would be great if it's possible to save these custom panels for reuse later on somehow (e.g. with a custom / command or add it to the popup that lists the different options for default panels).
I use this feature for reusable announcement banner content. If the source content is updated, any pages including the needed macro are also automatically updated. I can change or "hide" banners any time by only updating one source page, like in the screenshot below. Love it!
If you can't nest a macro like the TOC or Child Pages, then it's useless. Also, since you don't have the border or border/header option like the original one, it looks absurd to put gobs of text in a solid colored box.
This is still nowhere near the level of customization we had on server. Please reopen https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-66752 and work on implementing the same level of customization that was possible on server.
Need to be able to add images, tables, and links in the Custom Panels like we did before. Also need to be able to highlight an image and text and left justify and the text be beside not under the image. Going to Confluence Cloud Editor was a backwards move and this completely messed up a lot of my pages. I had access to a lot more functions before this change.
Any development on coloured panels? We use this a lot despite the many limitations. There's white background which is really useless since it won't be seen (no drop shadow or at least a border); text can't be centred, etc.