I have been using the confluence in many other companies for over nine years.
All of them were servers, and I recently moved to a new company and managed to persuade my colleague to try out the cloud service.
And the table is the worst thing you can imagine..
whoever made this choice and thought this is better than the old table system needs to get fired if not to fix it.
"get accustomed"... are you KIDDING ME???
A core feature of html/xml (nesting tables) and nesting macros not being exposed by a crappy (if pretty) editor is unconscionable. There should be no need to use 3rd party anything for that. But then the community has been complaining about that since you beta'ed that disaster and all we get are excuses like this.
That's like telling a draftsperson to use crayons instead of a 0.5 mm mechanical pencil.
By the way... I just came across yet another BUG: all links within a TOC zone macro to show up as the URL when the page is viewed even if they are set to "display inline".
I'm too tired of Atlassian's unresponsiveness to bother entering a Jira ticket...
Good luck, @Brian Son