Confluence Cloud Feature Request - Custom Template Snippets
Apart from the full page templates that we can create in Confluence - which is excellent!
It would be good if we could also create our own 'custom template snippets' to insert into Confluence Pages during page creation/editing.
Custom Template Snippets being completed page components e.g. tables complete with row and column headings, completed paragraph blocks etc.
Similar in scope to to the Library feature included in Adobe's Creative Cloud where we can save images, colours etc for future use.
As it is now with only full page templates, I will have to create a full page template for each and every possibility and then repeat that for every space. And no doubt I will want to add/change something at some time down the line as the businesses evolve.
With custom template snippets (along with full page templates) this would give more flexibility and require less full page templates.
Users of the provided templates may also find this useful to save and add custom template snippets pertinent to their business needs, workflows and processes.
Thank you.
This is why I miss user macros. You could basically create anything, including "template snippets" and advanced styling that was missing by default.
That sounds amazing!
@mb ohh yes, user macros sound great! Not heard of them. Have they been removed or something? Will do a search.
Hello @Sharon Halpin yes they were removed when we migrated from Server to Cloud. They are only available for Server and Datacenter:
You could do really cool things using them, such as setting images' transparency to 50% when hovering over them. It made every landing page feel way more responsive.
A show-case can be seen here by @Jan Kuntscher / @Jan Kuntscher - appanvil - Aura Karma Mantra (the user is listed twice).
This video was very helpful at creating beautiful pages back then.
But for your use case, unless they reimplement user macros in Cloud, this information will unfortunately be of no use to you.
Actually this seems to be similar to the user macros:
Hello @mb
Yes, user macros sound just the job and what a pity they are not available in Cloud. Anyone know why?
I've had a quick look at the links you provided and bookmarked them for a proper explore later on - thank you!
I'm relatively new to Atlassian products and only this last month started to seriously delve into Confluence so all feedback is excellent especially when it is something that I wouldn't otherwise come across or find.
really hope Atlassian can bring back the user macros in Cloud. We need this more than the full page template.
I love this idea too!
Totally platform independent: do you know the app "TextExpander" ? (for personal snippets) (so it won't be for your whole organisation)
Hello @Andrew van Ingen {ServiceRocket}
Yes, I came across 'TextExpander' a while ago but didn't follow it up at the time - thank you for reminding me!