I'm quite pissed, I won't hide it.
Recently all the headings styles have changed in confluence cloud, without warning and without a way to batch change them all to another, has the heading 3 I was using doesn't look good anymore.
Confluence is slow, clumpsy and there is a ton of basic missing features (without paying addons for them) so please, stop messing with our documentation. Or warn, or even better when you do changes provide tools to batch some actions that are FREE so the unforeseen style decisions you make can be undone...
I'm getting seriously tired of this. Let's list the VERY basic features Confluence should come with the base price:
- borderless tables (how can this not be included, this is ultra basic)
- custom text color (what the hell with this limited palette?)
- batch processing of included styles for the entire space, especially since you changed them
- clone space. Duplicating pages one by one, moving them one by one, ending up on the new location every damn time that forces you to go back to the original space to keep cloning and moving (did I mention one by one?...).
I'm not responsible for my company's choice of documentation system but as this pace I'll do everything in my power to be.
One thing you might want to do is to either reach out to Atlassian Support or use the feedback link in the application.
Your are highlighting the reasons I do not recommend the cloud version. The server version allows you to have your own CSS so that you can control the look and feel. Plus you can decide to upgrade or not to a new version. We test out any new version before moving - and upgrade when we are ready.
And the user macros are essential to good Confluencing, again missing from the Cloud version.