Releases/Versions in Compass?

Matt Richards
January 21, 2025

Is there a way to manage versions in Compass? Specifically in such a way as for these versions to be made available in Jira so that work can be assigned to them? 

Open to guidance from anyone using compass and working with releases/versions/deployments. 

1 answer

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 21, 2025

@Matt Richards that's a very interesting use case, thank you so much for posting about it.

Can you say a bit more about what sort of behavior you're looking for?

Are you thinking of having one component per version, or just a single component that 'has' multiple versions?

Matt Richards
January 22, 2025

Thanks for the quick response. Apologies for the delay. 

We are looking for a centralized way in which to manage versions/releases/deployments in our Atlassian toolchain. In our opinion ideally Projects/Teams in Jira wouldn't have versions/releases/deployments in and of themselves. Rather compass components themselves would be where all of this was centrally managed and version/release/deploy artifacts would be made available in Jira issues when a component was specified.

If not in this way, how does Atlassian expect versions/releases/deployments to be managed today?

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 24, 2025

[C]ompass components themselves would be where all of this was centrally managed and version/release/deploy artifacts would be made available in Jira issues when a component was specified

So rather than having the versions / releases managed in Jira ( i.e. ), you'd rather have that process be managed in Compass?

That is to say, having a version be able to get created from a Component page, having issues be able to target that version, and then surfacing the release on the activity timeline. Does that about cover what you'd be looking for here, or am I misunderstanding?

Right now, Compass components do get surfaced as components in Company Managed Projects in Jira, but we don't really have a robust representation of releases in Jira as they pertain to a specific Compass component.

Would you be able to share the sort of information you'd like to have available on the Compass component view pertaining to versions and releases?

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