How to determine the last deployment of all components

Garyl Paras
August 11, 2023

We have GitLab integration and we can see the deployment within the component but I can't figure out if there's a filter or a report that will list all components and their last deployments in prod/staging.
Maybe a new column in the Component page that shows the last deployment.

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Josh Campbell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 19, 2024

Hey @Garyl Paras! Thanks for the suggestion, I've added a backlog ticket for this. In the meantime, you could use GraphQL to build a report for this. Here's a query to get you started that can pull the last deployment event for each component, though you'll need to filter out anything without a deployment yourself as the API won't do this:

query MyQuery {
compass {
searchComponents(cloudId: <your-cloud-id>, query: {}) {
... on CompassSearchComponentConnection {
nodes {
component {
events(query: {eventTypes: DEPLOYMENT, first: 1}) {
... on CompassEventConnection {
nodes {
... on CompassDeploymentEvent {
deploymentProperties {
pageInfo {

 Hope this helps! Also if you don't mind, I'd be keen to know what you'll use this for? :) Is this like a report you'd reference at some cadence or something that a certain team/person wants to see ad-hoc? And then what do you do with this information? Thanks Garyl great to hear from you!

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