How to combine specific metrics of all components of a team to a unified team metric?

Eduard Litau
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December 8, 2023



I find the metrics for a component nice but I need to aggregate the metrics of a team's components to see the team's combined output.

An example: A team has five components and each of the components has the deployment frequency and cycle time metrics. This shows me the throughput of single component. But the team switches it's focus from component to component. So some components are not developed for weeks and both metrics decline there, but the team is still delivering frequently - just in another component.

How can I see the summarized metrics of the team?


Kind regards,


1 answer

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Patrick Hill
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 12, 2023

Hey Eduard,

We're looking into this area soon and would love to understand more about what you'd want to see in Compass. Availability may vary over the holiday break but let's catch some time in January to chat more:



Maksim Solovjov _ admin _
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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March 14, 2024



Did you have any discussion guys?
Are there any updates?

I really think there is a tremendous need to aggregate component scorecards & metrics into team scorecards and metrics.


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