Details on derived metrics

Thomas Hasfjord
April 18, 2024

Derived metrics in Compass looks very useful. But the documentation about each metric is a bit lacking. To me some of the metrics look wrong compared to what i see in the connected bitbucket cloud repo.
Can you describe in detail how the metrics are derived?

Build time

- Is this the billable build minutes or the time from start to end of the pipeline?
- Which builds are included in the calculation? are failed, stopped or ongoing builds included?

Deployment time

- What time is this? the time for a step that has an attached production deployment? or the whole pipeline? Something else?

Success rate

- What constitutes a success? The pipeline that is completed and successful?
- What constitutes a failure? both error and build failures?

Im seeing a 100% success rate on on repo when the 25 previous build status are:
- 1 Error
- 2 Failed
- 2 Stopped
- 20 Successful
Is this a bug, or am I missing something?

How do re-runs of pipelines affect the various metrics?

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Thomas Hasfjord
May 3, 2024

Any news on this?

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