Component imported from BitBucket not visible in Compass

Neill Holland
August 17, 2023

Hi there,

We've come across an issue where a Component (BitBucket repo) has been imported successfully, but isn't showing up in Compass.

Myself and another colleague have each tried, and waiting overnight for it to appear "just in case" but nothing yet.

When using Create-> Import Components -> Bitbucket (Import) and searching for the repo, it shows as Created. It wasn't showing as created prior to yesterday.

Is there anything we can check to see why this has happened? We haven't seen this for any other repo that's been imported using the same process.




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December 20, 2023

Hello @Neill Holland

I would suggest raising a ticket at so they can help you investigate it.

As we, from the community, do not have access to the instance and it seems all the steps were correct, that would be the best approach.

Please do not forget to accept this answer in case it helps you resolve your issue as it may help other community members in the future.


Neill Holland
January 2, 2024

Hey @eugenio_onofre ,

Thanks for commenting.

That's what I ended up doing some time back - but it didn't result in any resolution/ further information.

Agree if it happens to anyone else, a ticket should their first port of call 👍

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