Component Activity which appears to be working only with 'Production' environments

Abhaykumar Patil October 6, 2023

I am trying to post events for component activity for DEV, TEST and other non-production environments however it looks like REST API POST requests are successful, but it doesn't appear to be getting updated on the component page. Also I see there are multiple environments are supported through POST API but on component page we have only two options to choose 'Production' and 'Staging'. 

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Steffen Opel _Utoolity_
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October 11, 2023

Hi @Abhaykumar Patil

This is simply bad and misleading DX/UX, insofar Compass oddly only supports the two environment types 'production' and 'staging' so far, even though the widget suggests exactly what you expected (and the underlying API supports more types indeed).

Unfortunately I didn't even get a response from the usually very responsive Compass team when asking about this after the introduction of staging support, but the team at least acknowledged my subsequent clarification request on their own respectively misleading DevEx Roundup.


PS: Given you ask about the API, I can confirm that we support all environments within our Develop with AWS (Compass) app and can seemingly ingest the data just fine, i.e. I expect the data for other environments to be properly stored in the backend already so that it will hopefully just show up once Atlassian has removed this annoying frontend limitation.

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