TL;DR - Alerts and On-call features in Compass are now open to a wider audience and with many more features
Hi everyone!
In August, we announced the Early Access Program for Alerts and On-call features in Compass. We're excited to announce that we’re releasing alerts and on-call to all Compass customers except for those who have Opsgenie. We are also offering an enhanced tier of alerts and on-call features as part of the new Compass Premium plan.
Rollout will start on October 24, 2024, and is expected to be completed by November 5, 2024. We plan to announce the full General Availability (GA) of these features to all Compass customers in the coming months.
Teams can consolidate tooling and receive alerts from over 150 integrations, manage on-call schedules, and respond to alerts—all within Compass, where you already track and collaborate on software components. That means no more “hide-and-seek” with critical information across tools, teams, and services immediately available when you receive an alert in the middle of the night. Your team will have greater context with immediate visibility into software component owners, dependencies, and recent changes — all in one location. Having this information makes it easier to triage, understand impact, and collaborate so you can resolve issues quickly and get back to sleep faster.
Get ready to streamline operations by consolidating monitoring, on-call management, and alert response into your team's Compass instance! Stay tuned for more updates.
Reduce spend: Eliminate a line item from your budget! Alerts and on-call are included in the Compass Standard plan so you don’t need to purchase an additional product for these features.
Reduce friction: Less switching tabs and searching when you consolidate and centralize alerts and on-call management in Compass.
Easy on-call scheduling: Set on-call schedules for your teams and map their ownership with your software components.
Make alert investigation easier: Find the info you need faster and see all recent changes and events in the activity feed.
Alert Policies: Automatically modify alerts as they get created
Notification policies: Determine which alerts merit what kind of notifications for your teams
Global integrations: Set up integrations for multiple teams or your organization
Advanced integrations: Support for incoming, outgoing, and bidirectional integrations
Heartbeats: Ensure that your environment is able to connect to Compass continuously
REST APIs: Access all the operations features via APIs (API Documentation)
All Compass customers who do not have Opsgenie are eligible. Our team is working on a solution to bring this feature to customers with Opsgenie when the feature becomes Generally Available (GA).
There is no need to sign up. Eligible customers will automatically have access if they are on a Standard or Premium Compass plan or trial. Click here to learn more about Compass Premium, compare features, and upgrade or activate a trial.
We will notify customers subscribed to Compass communications via email when their site has access to alerts and on-call.
We expect to launch Alerts and On-call in General Availability in 2025. Please stay tuned for updates.
Once alerts and on-call have been rolled out to your site, you will need to enable them for each desired team to use the feature. In Compass, navigate to the Teams menu and then select a team. You will see a new “Operations” section and information on how to get started. Any Compass full user can enable these features for a team they are a member of.
Alerts and on-call features are included in Compass Standard and Premium plans. Click here to learn more about the differences between each plan, upgrade, or start a trial.
Click here to access support documentation. The Compass Support team is also ready to help customers.
The Compass Team
Aditya Mani