Compass is better with Git -- and it now supports GitLab!

Hi all ðŸ‘‹ it's Dave Parrish from the Compass integrations team.

We're excited to share that you can now connect Compass to your Git tool of choice, including (hot off the presses) our brand-new GitLab integration! Compass now supports:

Just go to the Apps page in Compass and set up the Git tool(s) your teams are using. Right out of the box, you'll get an easy way to populate your Compass catalog by importing your code repositories as new components.

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You can also manage your component metadata right in your code repo, using config-as-code. Just head to the Config-as-code tab on any Compass component to get started. Now you can manage component metadata alongside your code itself. When you commit changes to the compass.yml file, they'll automatically be reflected in Compass.

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And there's more! If you're also using your Git tool for CI/CD, any deployments will automatically be logged to the Activity tab for the corresponding component.

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Plus, once you connect a repository to your component, Compass will also start calculating useful metrics such as pull request cycle time and deployment frequency.

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If you're already using Compass with Bitbucket, GitHub or GitLab, tell us about it in the comments. We'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions for other features!


Will Le
June 27, 2022

Hi team,

We're trialling out this feature using a public GitHub repo however we are struggling to see deployment activity. Metrics such as "Open Pull requests" and "PR Cycle time" are populated but nothing else. Any help / guidance on this would be much appreciated.



Josh Campbell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 13, 2022

Hey Will, apologies for the delayed response here. Are you still seeing this issue? Off the top of my head, one issue could be that the "Environment" you are deploying to is not named "production" in GitHub. Looks like this may be a gap in our documentation, let me know if that is not your issue.

Dan Hoban
July 28, 2022

Is there a place that the Gitlab integration lives so it can be cloned and configured for a self-hosted installation?

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Josh Campbell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 3, 2022

Hey Dan, not yet but really appreciate the feedback here. To be transparent, we do want to open source certain integrations but have not yet done so. We know that self-hosted software is something we need to solve for as well. Sorry I don't have a better answer for right now but this feedback definitely helps us.

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Andrew Freedman
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 4, 2022

While the full GitLab integration offers a richer set of features, you can still use Compass with some restrictions.

It's possible to link repositories on component pages, plus you can augment to your deployment scripts so they send events to Compass components using our REST API. Metrics are also possible via API, but not quite as straightforward — you'd need to create a service (Forge can do this) which could shuffle the data across.

Hopefully these are useful options until a BTF solution comes along.

— Andrew


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