Announcement: It's even easier to send Events to Compass now

Hey everyone, Josh here from the Compass product team and I'm here today to tell you how great Events are 🎉 Our events API supports 9 different event types, including Custom, you can send to Compass to capture all sorts of activity happening around your components and teams, and today its easier to use than ever. 

We shipped an API improvement that now allows you to send us an event in two ways:

  1. Manage your own event sources (old way): If you want the most control over your events into Compass you can create and manage your own event sources. The disadvantage is you need to create an event source and also attach the event source to a component which are two separate API calls before you can start sending events to Compass.
  2. Compass managed event sources (new way): This is a simplified approach where you can optionally specify a componentId and Compass will create and attach an event source if it is missing for the specified component and event type in the payload. This allows you to start sending events to any component as long as you have the componentId.

The new way is available for all customers to try out today! The steps for sending an event are greatly simplified:

  1. Get an API token
  2. Get a component ID
  3. Drop a curl command/script into a job or workflow

Need some inspiration on events to send to Compass? Configuration or infrastructure changes can be captured with the Custom event type, or how about deployments or builds from tools that don't yet have an integration with Compass like ArgoCD or Jenkins.

Try it out along with the recent improvements to the activity timeline and let us know what you think!


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I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
October 9, 2024

This is a huge improvement!  One minor suggestion, your example json  has an extra trailing comma:

\"componentId\": \"$COMPONENT_ID\",

Personally, I blame JSON, but correcting this might help someone :)

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Dennis Kugelmann
October 22, 2024

This change was so needed 😍

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