Last week @Kat Kelsch shared with me this post about The Great Atlassian Bakeoff.
It is no secret I love to bake and decorate cakes so I decided to try a cake trend I’ve been wanting to for a while: “Number Cakes”. These cakes are simply shaped like the desired number, filled and then decorated with color-pop toppings.
For this cake I used my Simple White Cake recipe, an American Buttercream, and assorted toppings like rock sugar, macarons and blueberries.
To make it Atlassian themed… I decided to shape it like the Atlassian logo!
For the Simple White Cake:
Yields 12+ cupcakes or two 6 inch pan
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup butter
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups self-rising flour
1/2 cup milk
Preheat oven to 350F (175C)
Grease and flour pan or line muffin pan with paper liners
In a medium bowl, cream sugar and butter.
Beat in the eggs one at a time. Stir in vanilla.
Stir in the milk until batter is smooth.
Add flour to mixture and mix well. Pour into prepared pan
Bake as directed:
For two 6 inch pan: ~30 minutes
For 12+ cupcakes: ~15 minutes
Let cool before unmolding and frosting
For this cake I made 1.5 times the amount of batter and baked it in an 11x15 sheet cake pan, then carved out the two layers of the ACE.
You can make this style cake pretty much in ANY flavor and color!
First thing I did was print out the logo to use as a stencil. That is when I discovered I did not in fact own a sheet pan to cut the logo out of so I paid a quick visit to the store. Additionally went on the hunt for some blue toppings. Apparently blue is the hardest color to find stuff for.
This morning I finally baked my white cake, and let it cool. I had actually never baked a sheet cake so had no idea what I was doing :noidea: and almost broke it in half… Cake survived.
I also had never carved a cake before but my baker instincts told me to put it in the freezer after cutting it into the sub-chunks I would use. after about an hour the cake was firm and it was super easy to cut using the Ace stencil.
Lastly, it was all decorating. Made buttercream in white, light and dark blue and got to work… soon enough I was ready to reveal the…
I want to thank my team, Pangolin (@Aurea Del Moral @SqrrlDev Oza @Adrian LaCour @Jewell Finder @Kat Kelsch @[deleted] Berg @sean wilkinson) for being the awesome team they are and always reacting with fun emojis to all the cake pictures I post.
I also want to thank my husband Matt for doing all the dishes 😬 and taking the professional photos of my cake you see above.
Oh wow! This looks so professional 😮😍👏
This is making me hungry!
Well done on the decorations!
This looks so yummy @Aurea Del Moral !