I really like that I can give Kudos to other users - the only problem is I don't always remember!
It would be great if we could have a 'give kudos' button next to the 'like' button on people's posts
I like that it's limited and we only have 10 kudos a week. This way it's still sepcial.
There's something in this idea, but I agree with Linda that there is a difference between liking and giving Kudos. The latter is going just that little bit extra. That said, if the process of giving kudos could be simplified, it would be great. I find having to look up and remember a person's name, then search for and find them, a bit of a drag.
maybe as an reminder
like the existing reminder to accept answers and close the question
I really like this idea! It makes it easier to give someone kudos when he/she wrote a great article. Sometimes I find the user search a little tricky. A button at the end of an article to thank the author for great content would be amazing.
This is something we are considering! We don't want to make the interface too cluttered and we don't want to confuse people ("why can I give both a like and a kudos? What's the difference?") or add a bunch of code to show the kudos next to only some content (since not everyone is in the beta).
One of the key differences is that the kudos is for the person, whereas the like/upvote is for the content. One thing we may do is add a way for you to give kudos to a person right from their hovercard, or at least add a direct link to their kudos profile in the hovercard.
Anyway, if you have more thoughts or suggestions let me and @Erika Nunotani know! It's a bit of a tricky one.