My Inspiration
I always make Shortbread this time of year, it's a wonderful Christmas treat and can be shaped into Christmas Tree shapes, or just rectangles. I thought a cookie would be easy to turn into the Ace logo, with a bit of chocolate for the swirly bit in the centre of the logo.
...and this is how they turned out.
The Recipe
This is a super-easy recipe for anyone, even if you have never baked before this is a perfect recipe to start your baking journey. You only need 3 ingredients.
The Approach
(optional) Chocolate coating
The Highs
Even if they look a bit scrappy, they taste amazing.
The triangle template I made because I couldn't find a triangle shaped cookie cutter (see video for details)
The Lows
I had an idea for making a second template to shape the chocolate on top of the Shortbread, it worked for the first attempt, but then was a disaster. Agile is about learning by doing, so plan B was devised which was to use a knife to spread the choc into a shape.
The video
You've got to try it, it tastes amazing. Let me know how you get on if you do.
Shortbread + Nutella = 💥🤤