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doing branchs from Jira history doesn't work well

Guillermo Leyendeker May 27, 2019

When I create branches from Jira history with the link that Jira provides for that pourpose, it ask me from wich branch I want to create it, then I choose to create it from "development" and click in "create" and the branch is created from "master" instead of development.



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Daniil Penkin
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 20, 2019

Hi @Guillermo Leyendeker,

I believe you got confused by branch name vs branch type. There's a thing in Bitbucket repositories called branching model (also check out this blog post for an overview), which has terms of Development and Production branches (the latter is optional) – they are rather branch types which "point" to an actual branch in the repository.

By default, Development is set to track the main branch of your repo (master in the most common setup) and Production is disabled. However, depending on the workflow you might want to change them.

When you create a branch from Jira, Bitbucket suggests you the best branch to create the new one from, based on the Jira issue type and repository branching model settings.

All in all, I believe in your the case you described you're selecting Development branch type which points to the master branch (either as the main branch of your repository OR explicitly by name).

Hope this helps. Let me know if my assumption is wrong, we'll discuss the issue further.


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