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Move my bitbucket account from one email id to another

Tejas Shah May 27, 2019


I have a bitbucket account with my email id t********@g****.com. My Jira and confluence account are with my work id t*************@l***********.com. 

Now we are undergoing a move in bitbucket where our repositories are being moved into a different corporate account and as part of that account I have been asked to update my email address from t********@g****.com to t*************@l***********.com. When I try to update my email address I get a notification that there is already another account associated with that email address. 

Is it possible in bitbucket from the backend to move my bitbucket profile from one atlassian account (t********@g****.com) to another (t*************@l***********.com)





Note: Edited to protect author's privacy and remove email addresses. 

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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 7, 2019

Hi Tejas,

Since this issue will require some manual work in the background and we'll need to verify the ownership of those email addresses, I've created a support ticket for you. You'll receive a notification in your inbox and one of my colleagues will continue helping you. Please follow up with them to get this resolved :)

Also, with the aim of protecting your privacy, I've edited your original message to remove your email addresses; they're still visible in your private support ticket. 

If you need anything else, don't hesitate to contact us again!

Best regards,


Tejas Shah June 7, 2019

Great! Thanks @Ana Retamal 

By any chance can you help me with another question of mine


Kind Regards


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