I cannot see changes merged between lanes in Commit graph (Fisheye)

JIRA Autobot
December 13, 2011


Looking at my commit graph i thought i could see the changes made on a branch (swim lane) and see it merged to the trunk with a line connecting the change and the trunk but i can't. When looking at the feature list is seems this is one of the main reasons to look at the Commit Graph. What am i missing ?


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 13, 2011


As mentioned in our documentation (http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/FISHEYE/Viewing+the+Commit+Graph+for+a+Repository) FishEye does not show merge information for subversion repositories. Merges are only shown for SCM types which have first class merge support.



Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 13, 2011

Git and Mercurial both allow FishEye to very easily track merges -- subversion is a much more complex beast because merges can be complex and individual changesets can exist across multiple branches (as branches are defined solely via the file structure). More details here: http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/FISHEYE/Subversion+Changeset+Parents+and+Branches

FishEye 2.7 was released in September, and we have been pushing bug fix releases as often as possible to ensure that our customers do not wait months to see their changes fixed. FishEye has also typically not done as many pre-stable releases such as JIRA, which may reduce visibilitiy into the work that we are doing. As for product roadmaps - Atlassian does not publish roadmaps - please have a read here http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DEV/Implementation+of+New+Features+Policy

JIRA Autobot
December 13, 2011

Such a shame. That would have been the most usefull feature. What do you mean by "Merges are only shown for SCM types which have first class merge support." ?

btw. it doesn't seem that fisheye get's developed that much lately or if ever. Does it have a roadmap ? I mean JIRA is getting a lot of updates but Fisheye only get's bug fixes and such. I would love to see Fisheye getting some attention since it is a great tool but needs more work to be fully useable.

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