How to search Bitbucket wiki

Jorrit Jong
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March 9, 2014

Hi All,

We have just started using the build-in wiki from Bitbucket to document our project. We have been adding the first couple of pages and provide navigation using the <toc /1> to provide a table of contence as mentioned here. It would be really handy to add a search functionality so new team member can search for the information they need. Is such a function availible?



6 answers

3 votes
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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July 20, 2018

we all waiting wiki search about 10 years

3 votes
Will Thompson
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January 25, 2018

waiting too . . . currently looking at sharepoint wiki for searchability and nav-gen as secondary concern but i really do not want to move away from BB and markdown support . . . please save us Atlassian!

3 votes
VitalHub Corp. February 5, 2015

We are interested to know as well, if there is a plan to implement the search functionality?

2 votes
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December 18, 2017


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Anders Andrén
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Roger Ribas
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1 vote
Greg Woods August 5, 2020

they'll never add search. they want you to buy Confluence

1 vote
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 12, 2020

Is there a search for wiki in 2020 ? 

Having a wiki in projects would be nice, but without good working search it's useless


Even snippets does not seem to have search, or atleast butbucket web-interface's search does not find my test-snippet.

...AND snippets were introduced in 2015! still no search?

what a bummer!

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