How to access Bitbucket Server in local network?

devetovi February 7, 2018

I installed a trial version of Butbucket Server (5.7) on my Windows 10 machine. What do I need to do to to access the server from within my local network?

1 answer

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
Community Leader
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February 7, 2018

Hi Dusan,

in order to access your Bitbucket instance you should use the following address :


By default Bitbucket port is 7990 and context is empty. If you had not changed port and default context you should access with the following url http://SERVER_IP:7990

Remember to start the process first.



devetovi February 7, 2018

Hi Fabio.


Thanks for your prompt reply, it was really quick.

I already tried your approach, as it seems logical, but I could not reach the machine. I guess there is probably some settings in Windows firewall that prevent traffic. I also suspect I'll have to open port 7990 in firewall.

But I'm not sure. So, I'd appreciate help on this too.



Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
Community Leader
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February 7, 2018

Hi Dusan, 

for sure firewall should allow to reach 7990 port. In order to verify that Bitbucket is up and running try to access it from your windows server through http://localhost:7990 

If it is up probably you need to perform a check on the firewall

devetovi February 7, 2018

Hi Fabio.

yes, the server is up&running, no problems with that, I can access it on localhost:7990, I can log in and do all the nice stuff. The problem is that I can't access the server from another Windows machine in the local network.

I just run into an answer for this:

I will try to apply solution described.

Thanks for replying!



devetovi February 9, 2018

Hi again Fabio.

Opening the port in server's laptop firewall solved the problem. Thank you for help!



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