Create Git Commit Hook

Roman Wolf
April 22, 2022

Hi Community,

We are using BitBucket cloud service to host all our Git repositories.

I would like to enforce some rule on each commit for some repositories. Technically I want to apply a Git commit hook on server side to valid any incoming push and allow/reject it by a bunch of checks.

On BitBucket cloud I can only find the configuration of Webhooks. From the documentation I was not able to clarify my following questions:

  • The Webhook sends an HTTP POST request to remote server, is the response evaluated and has it impact on the incoming Git push? Or is it fire and forget?
  • Is it possible to achive commit hooks by using the Webhook functionality?


Thanks a lot, Roman


2 answers

1 accepted

1 vote
Answer accepted
Roman Wolf
April 24, 2022

I think I found the answer (

Git pre-commit hook is currently support in BitBucket DataCenter, but NOT in BitBucket Cloud.

BitBucket WebHooks are NOT an equivalent to that.

There is a ticket pending (might need more votes):


Regards, Roman

Ulrich Kuhnhardt [IzymesCo]
Atlassian Partner
April 26, 2022

Everyone reading `this` please vote on

0 votes
April 22, 2022

Hi Roman,

You can enable a webhook so every time you commit you can create a pull request, and manage a review of the code with that.

 You can make a Bitbucket REST API call (via curl or postman) to enable/disable specific hooks programmatically.

1. GET your repo hook keys via /rest/api/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}/settings/hooks

2. PUT request for hook to be enabled  (DELETE disables the hook) via /rest/api/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}/settings/hooks/{hookKey}/enabled

Best Regards


Roman Wolf
April 24, 2022

Hi @laura.devita

thanks for you quick reply. Creating a PR on each commit is not exactly what I am looking for.

Actually I try to find a way on server side (BitBucket) to prevent a commit being  stored in BitBucket Git repository.

This can be useful for a couple reason. Mainly when you want to apply a quality gate that needs to be passed before a commit is accepted. E.g. developer should follow a certain code format rule or the commit message must contain some required information.

Apply this on all developer systems is a high effort and can of course be bypassed by the developers easily.

So it is a better approach to ensure those things on Git server side by what is called a commit hook.

It is also possible to apply these quality gates later on (thru a central CI instance) but it is much more charme to apply some check already when the commit is send and reject it if checks are failing.

Regards, Roman

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