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Automatic deployment on branch commit

James Hayes July 28, 2022

Hi there, I'm just starting to get my head around BitBucket and I love it's potential. We have a repro that is worked on by several colleagues, and when each is happy with their branch they merge into a staging branch. When happy with that we then merge into Production branch. Pretty standard stuff. When using SASS the staging & producion commits go into CircleCI which then pushes to server.

For a small dev project that doesn't need to be compiled, like a basic WordPress site, I would like BitBucket to simple automatcially push the staging branch once someone has commited to it. I can see this is done as a pipline and I have the SSH keys setup and communicating with the SiteGround hosting, but cannot work out how to get the pipeline to do this. Any assistance appreciated.



2 answers

0 votes
Matija Varjacic August 2, 2022

I believe you can create a git repo on the siteground. When you have that repo and you have SSH setup, you can clone bitbucket repository and then have a simple pipeline.

- step:
- git remote add siteground ssh:// ## or something similar
- git push master siteground



James Hayes August 2, 2022

Thanks @Matija Varjacic  I'm so close now, I can taste it !! Just got to work out a couple of errors in the above but I can have a bit of trial and error. I have it saved correctly now, I changed master to staging in your code, but it cannot find that. What have I done !?

James Hayes August 2, 2022

Ah it looks like bitbucket will only try to connect through port 22 even though I have the port in the URL. Need to speak with siteground about opening that port I think. Very strange.

0 votes
James Hayes July 28, 2022

I thought I had asked quite a simple question, am I way off the mark on what I am expecting BitBucket to do? Apologies for the noob approach!

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