Hey everyone, over the past year, we've added several new features on how you can use Bitbucket and Jira together.
We'd love to know how you are using the integration and how it's helping your team.
I have a Project Lead on one team who is currently responsible for code reviews for all the engineers on that team.
We're also experimenting with Confluence pages to help aggregate "all my stuff" across both Jira and Confluence. This is a personalized "dashboard" page showing:
(The Jira issues exclude issues "in the Backlog" -- that is, issues with that Status, and issues not in any active Sprints.)
Here is the JQL we use to construct the "open pull requests" content:
assignee = "135790abcdef135790abcdef" AND project in ("ABC","XYZ") AND status = "Review" and development[pullrequests].open > 0
Our process also includes having issues in the "Review" status when there is a PR pending. If you don't have that status, delete that part of the query.
I'm planning on an article soon that illustrates this experiment, but this discussion seemed like a good opportunity for a sneak preview of this portion of the dashboard page.
Note that Bitbucket already has an area showing Open Pull Requests for a user, which is great.
My point here is the aggregation of that content along with user-specific content from Jira and Confluence into a single page.
Cancel my brilliant idea for an Atlassian Community article related to this (as I mentioned above), thanks to this Confluence Cloud bug.
It would be really useful if that stuff actually worked. But even if I create a bitbucket branch from the Jira ticket, there is no link in Jira. Only pipelines are correctly linked between Bitbucket and Jira.