Pipes monthly digest December 2020
Welcome to the next Bitbucket Pipes digest. This month comes packed with additions to Pipes. Don’t forget to subscribe (click Watch and select Articles)!
This pipe lets you clear all or selected Bitbucket Pipelines caches from your repository. By default this will clear all dependency caches that exist for this repository, but it can also be configured to clear specific caches. The pipe will warn you if no caches were found or if it fails to clear a specific cache.
script: - pipe: atlassian/bitbucket-clear-cache:3.1.1 variables: BITBUCKET_USERNAME: $BITBUCKET_USERNAME BITBUCKET_APP_PASSWORD: $BITBUCKET_APP_PASSWORD
Deploy your code to Firebase
Added support for multi-site deploying.
Deploy your configuration as code using AWS CloudFormation
Add support for EXTRA_PARAMETERS variable. It allows to pass all other supported create/update stack parameters.
Add support for ROLE_ARN variable.
Add support for IMPORT_COMPLETE status.
A pipe to authenticate to Azure and run ad-hoc commands using the Azure CLI
The pipe was forked from microsoft/azure-cli-run for future maintenance purposes.
Pipe to deploy to Microsoft Azure Storage. Copies files and directories to Azure Blob or File storage using AzCopy. Automatically adds the "--recursive" option if the source is a directory on the local filesystem
The pipe was forked from microsoft/azure-storage-deploy for future maintenance purposes.
Deploys an application to Azure Web Apps. Azure Web Apps enables you to build and host web applications in the programming language of your choice without managing infrastructure. It offers auto-scaling and high availability
The pipe was forked from microsoft/azure-web-apps-deploy for future maintenance purposes.
Pushes docker images to the AWS Elastic Container Registry
Allow users to pass Ints into tag and then convert to String.
Run a command or a bash script on your server
Fix support for EXTRA_ARGS variable in the command mode
Create a Bitbucket Code Insight report based on Checkstyle result files generated by the build
Add only relativize file paths that are absolute.
Sends a custom notification to Slack.
You can configure Slack integration for your repository to get notifications on standard events, such as build failures and deployments. Use this pipe to send your own additional notifications at any point in your pipelines
Move pipe's source code to Python language.
To discover more pipes, visit our Bitbucket Pipes Marketplace.
Looking for help using pipes? Check out our Pipes recipes post and find code snippets for several use cases.
How to notify with datadog send event pipe if build fails?
How to deploy to a sub-folder in the AWS S3 bucket rather than the root directory?
When I deploy my files with ftp-deploy, it uses lots of minutes? How to optimize it?
…and many more. Check out pipes recipes.
If you’d like help with Bitbucket Pipes, or you have an issue or feature request, let us know on Community.
Oleksandr Kyrdan