Hello Community đź‘‹
Here we keep answering your questions asked after a webinar called What’s New in Bitbucket 7.0:
How was Bitbucket’s performance was tested? Does that method/tool is publicly available? Is there any documentation available on that?
While our performance tool is not publicly available, we do recommend using the E3 Performance Testing Framework to test Bitbucket Server and Data Center releases.
Can I create a Jira subtask instead of a task for a ticket that is related to PR?
No, sub-tasks creation form comments and tasks is not supported at the moment.
If you are interested in the feature, find relevant suggestion and vote for it. Or you can create a new feature suggestion. Don’t forget to leave a comment describing your use-case. If the suggestion doesn’t currently exist, feel free to create a new one. This will help us to make better feature prioritization in the future. Feature suggestions
What does CDN stand for?
CDN stands for content delivery network, a globally-distributed network of edge servers that cache static resources locally, such as CSS, JavaScript, or font. With a CDN, you’ll not only accelerate the experience of your geographically distributed users but reduce the peak load on your primary application instance, boosting performance all around. To learn more, check out this blog.
Can you retrieve Reviews done after a pull request was merged?
I believe we are talking about approvals here. After the pull request is merged no new approvals are accepted.
With the expanded diff context, will it be possible to display Code Insights outside of modified lines?
At the moment Code Insights annotations are displayed by default on:
This ensures that there is not too much noise from annotations that are not relevant to you.
However, you can change this setting in a pull request to display annotations on all lines by clicking on the bolt icon and switch off the toggle from changed lines.
Code coverage information if sent by the app/integration will be displayed on all lines by default. More details
Am I right that now we will have PostgreSQL 10 supported?
That’s right. Bitbucket Server supports PostgreSQL 9.4 - PostgreSQL 11. For Amazon Aurora, only PostgreSQL 9.6 is supported.
You can find more information on Supported platforms page.
How about connecting multiple Jira sites to Bitbucket? and what happens when one of those sites are on Cloud?
You can easily connect multiple Jira instances to Bitbucket Server via Application links.
To connect Jira Cloud to Bitbucket Server, Bitbucket Server must be accessible via either port 80 or 443, and it should be reachable by the JIRA Software Cloud IP range (you can refer to Database and IP information for details on the IP range used by JIRA Software Cloud).
You can find all the requirements at Connect Bitbucket Server to Jira Cloud.
Will all plugins will be compatible with the new Bitbucket version?
All major Marketplace apps are already compatible with Bitbucket 7.0. We work closely with app vendors to make sure they test and release new versions of apps as soon as the new Bitbucket version is released.
Is there functionality to revert the merged pull request? like a click of a button?
At the moment Bitbucket doesn’t allow to revert merged pull requests. However, it is one of the features we are considering for the future.
If you are interested in the feature, vote for it. Don’t forget to leave a comment describing your use-case. This will help us to make better feature prioritization for future releases.
You can also try PR-Booster For Bitbucket Server app which has Revert commit feature.
Will it be possible to change the time format from AM/PM to 24-hour clock from the admin UI?
AM/PM format is the only supported time format for now.
If you are interested in changing time format vote for the feature. Don’t forget to leave a comment describing your use-case. This will help us to make better feature prioritization for future releases.
Is there any way to enforce code review except for just approval for a PR?
Bitbucket has a Merge checks feature which allows you to enforce specific requirements for pull requests at the project level and at individual repository level:
All reviewers approve - all reviewers to approve a pull request before merging.
Minimum approvals - at least the specified number of approvals before merging.
Minimum successful builds - at least the specified number of successful builds before merging.
No incomplete tasks - all tasks must be complete before merging.
You can find more information on Merge checks in the documentation.
Is there a way to prevent merge to master if there is any red build linked to it?
Unfortunately, we don't have this capability. However, we are looking at the possibility of adding this feature.
If you are interested in the feature, vote for the suggestion above. Don’t forget to leave a comment describing your use-case.
Are there plans to be able to search for Git commit comments?
Yes, we consider search for comments as a candidate for future releases.
If you are interested in the feature, vote for it. Don’t forget to leave a comment describing your use-case. This will help us to make better feature prioritization for future releases.
Is there reviews history in Bitbucket?
The history of the pull request can be found in the Overview tab.
Is Bitbucket 7.0 stable for production use?
Absolutely, Bitbucket 7.0 is an enterprise-grade software thoroughly tested and ready for production under the highest load.
How long will you continue to create new versions of Bitbucket Server?
Bitbucket Server is one of the most successful products of Atlassian and it’s not going away in any foreseeable future.
Could you expand on integrated CI/CD?
Integrated CI/CD will provide a better integration between Bitbucket Server and Bamboo, Jenkins and other CI/CD solutions - to provide a seamless idea to production workflow for developers. Currently Bamboo and Jenkins can post build status to commits in Bitbucket, however, with the new integration you will start seeing richer CI/CD metadata in the context of your work and there will an ability to take quick actions e.g. re-run builds. Also, it will make it super easy to create and configure a CI/CD pipeline inside these tools from Bitbucket Server. This work is in progress so watch out for announcements on the Atlassian community and our blog.
you talked about integrated CI/CD, we cannot use bitbucket pipelines today (we're on-prem), will this integrated CI/CD will be available for your on-premise customers?
Yes, this solution will be specifically for our Server (on-prem) customers and will offer automated workflows between Jenkins/Bamboo. The first phase of this project will include a builds page that will give Bitbucket users a constant feedback loop of the status of all their builds within Bamboo/Jenkins.
Will Bitbucket Pipelines be available in Bitbucket DC (on-prem) any time soon?
Our goal with Integrated CI/CD is to offer Server/Data Center customers a solution that is similar to Pipelines. This is not a replacement, nor is it a 1:1 offering to what Cloud has. Based on what we’ve heard from our customers and their needs, we wanted to build something that offered similar benefits but allowed them to maintain their existing CI/CD pipeline in Bamboo, Jenkins or any other CI/CD tool.
Will the integrated CI/CD replace Bitbucket Pipelines?
No. Bitbucket Pipelines is a built-in CI/CD solution within Bitbucket Cloud. For Servers/Data Center customers we’re building tighter integrations with Bamboo, Jenkins and CI/CD solutions that will automate the workflows and feed information directly in Bitbucket. Removing the necessity to constantly switch between different products.
How is Bitbucket maintaining its backward compatibility towards Jenkins plugins, especially the Cloudbees plugin called Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin?
We haven’t changed our build APIs so this plugin should work. However, to provide support to our users who use Jenkins, and want better workflows, we have released a Jenkins plugin to provide a more seamless workflow between Jenkins and Bitbucket Server - https://plugins.jenkins.io/atlassian-bitbucket-server-integration/.
Check out the details on supported versions and available features here - https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Bitbucket-articles/Atlassian-supported-Jenkins-integration-for-Bitbucket-Server/ba-p/1148326#M151
What are the major differences between fisheye/crucible and bitbucket pull requests?
Fisheye lacks the repository hosting capabilities, offered by Bitbucket, however, it can integrate not only with Git but also with Subversion, Mercurial, Perforce and CVS. If you use and need to support these SCMs until you migrate to Git then Fisheye can be a good addition.
Crucible interacts with repositories in read-only mode, so it won't merge your changes when a review is closed like Bitbucket does. The benefit of Crucible is that it provides higher flexibility in code review, for instance, you can review patches in a pre-commit review workflow or upload and comment on attachments or put changes from several repositories of different types in a single review.
If you are interested in specific FeCru features in Bitbucket, find the relevant suggestion and vote for it. Don’t forget to leave a comment describing your use-case. This will help us to make better feature prioritization in the future. Feature suggestions
Part 1 - Answering your most frequently asked questions about Bitbucket 7.0 (part 1)
Part 2 - Answering your most frequently asked questions about Bitbucket 7.0 (part 2)
Anton Genkin
Product Manager
1 accepted answer