If master is updated with new commits and one of its child branch ( hotfix ) is outdated

Dineshmathiazhagan April 8, 2019

Scenario : Master got new commits merged from INT however hotfix branch which was created long back has old master commits ( excluding the new master commits came from INT )  So if we merge or delete the hot fix branch and still the bamboo plan consider those commits which came from int as new commits and takes those files. So is there a way to make bamboo to just get those commits but not to consider in the build.

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Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 10, 2019

Hi @Dineshmathiazhagan

If you delete the source repository branch, Bamboo will not run a build for it but It will disable its related plan branch.

If you want to merge it to master and not have a build triggered for it, you can:

  1. Use the Bamboo Exclude Changesets feature Repository >> Change Detection Options >> Exclude Changesets with the following pattern:
  2. Edit the merge commit to having "[skip]"on its message

Please let us know if that is what you need.

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