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How to trigger bamoo plan ,when bitbucker delete a branch?

roamerxv May 8, 2019

When i delete a  branch in bitbucket , i wang trigger a bamboo build ? But i don't knonw how tu trigger the bamoo

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Steffen Opel _Utoolity_
Community Leader
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May 8, 2019

Triggering a build via arbitrary remote event integration is not natively available. That said, you can achieve this with third party apps and a bit of scripting, for example ScriptRunner for Bamboo:

  1. Create a new Script Event Handler for the BranchDeletedEvent
  2. Trigger a build via the Bamboo REST API (or the Bamboo Java API) from the attached script
    • See this answer for more details on the resp. REST API action.
    • See this example for a resp. ScriptRunner script (haven't tested this myself)
roamerxv May 8, 2019

Thank for your reply . I try it .

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