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How to publish .Net artifact on IIS server

Yogesh Mude January 29, 2018

As we are using Bamboo for CI-CD, we have build the artifact using Visual studio agent and the artifact also generated now we want to publish it on IIS server.

Any help on this.

4 answers

1 vote
Niels Lynggaard July 29, 2018

Hi all..

My solution for this was to create a publishing profile in my visual studio project/website. 

Then, in bamboo I created a build-plan that creates a shared artifact, that can be consumed in a deployment project. 

The trick with the deployment-project it seems is to specify Visual Studio version in parameters also. 

So, in the deployment-project MSBuild-task I point to the .csproj file for the web-project in the shared artifact and set up parameters like this (under options);

/p:Configuration=Release /p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:PublishProfile="nameofpublishingprofile"  /p:ProfileTransformWebConfigEnabled=False /p:Password="ftppassword" /p:AllowUntrustedCertificate=true /p:UserName=ftpusername /p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0

Without specifying visualstudioversion it seems to choke on targets. 

I'm not sure if you need to specify username and password if it is allready set up in the publishingprofile, but the above parameters seems to make it work. 

Also; If there are files included in the solution that is not committed or ignored in bitbucket, the deployment will fail, since it cannot copy the file.

Hope you make it work :) 

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July 29, 2018

Did you find any solution? If so, could you share it with me?

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Omar Herrera
Rising Star
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May 1, 2018

Hi @Niels Lynggaard you can post the the command that your are using for deploy the web package.

There is a similar question @link



Omar H.

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Omar Herrera
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 29, 2018
Hello, the artifact you are building is a deployment package @link?  If it is you are in the right way because the next step is configure a new task in your deployment environment and execute a script for call msdeploy. There is a link for the details and requiriments for achieve this @link.
Yogesh Mude January 29, 2018

Thanks for Your response.

but i am looking for using bamboo like MSDeploy task is there in Bamaboo using this how can i achieve this. 

Niels Lynggaard May 1, 2018

Any luck on this? I am creating articfact through a build in bamboo and all is well.. I have a deployment project set up in bamboo as well that consumes this package and deploys it with msbuild, using a publishingprofile in the artifacty/project. 

However, the artifact contains a visual studio project with the complete website, including views, css etc.. The deployment-project just seems to deploy the .bin files and nothing else.. It completely ignores the changes to views and doesn't deploy those. What am I missing? 

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