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Different merging strategy for release branches in Bamboo Specs

Andreas Eriksson
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August 31, 2020

I have been trying to create a bamboo.yaml that both creates new plan branches for pull requests and plan branches for all release/.* branches.

Is it possible to create a specification that has different integration for different plan branches?

        for-new-branch: release/.*
        after-deleted-days: 14
        after-inactive-days: 14


    link-to-jira: true


I don't want the release branches to merge with anything when built but plan branches from PRs should always be merged with the target branch.

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Charlie Misonne
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November 12, 2020

Hi Andreas

I'm looking for the same thing. Did you find any solution?

Andreas Eriksson
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 12, 2020

I never did. We reverted back and are not using specs anymore.

Charlie Misonne
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November 12, 2020

Oh ok. After digging deeper today I found Bamboo 7.1 supports branch overriding for several things including branch-config -> integration.

I have to update to Bamboo 7.1 so I haven't tested yet.

jodyfanning October 20, 2021

Did anyone get this to work? I want exactly the same thing.

Normal development branches are created by pull-request, and those have a merge strategy. But a release branch should be created just from a named branch, and it should not merge.

I have created the YAML spec from how I understand it should be, but it doesn't do anything.

create: for-pull-request
after-deleted-days: 0
after-inactive-days: 60
push-on-success: false
merge-from: core-build
link-to-jira: true
for-new-branch: ^test_.*$
after-deleted-days: 0
after-inactive-days: 5
link-to-jira: true

I create a branch in git matching the regex, but I still don't get any branch appearing automatically.

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