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Bamboo stops executing a plan if one stage fails

Archie Sangole March 2, 2023

I have 4 stages in the bamboo plan.

Stage-1: checks out and downloads the binaries 

Stage-2: has 2 jobs that run tests in parallel on 2 devices

Stage-3: has 2 jobs that also runs tests in parallel on 2 devices

Stage-4: collect all the results and publish them

If stage-2 fails because a device went down due to which tests were not executed - the bamboo job stops and does not go to stage-3.  

How can I get around this? 


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Charlie Misonne
Community Leader
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March 2, 2023

Stages are meant to run only if the previous stage was successful.

If you do need to run a stage whatever the outcome of the other stages is you need to use a final stage. This has been described on Using stages in a plan  too.

Archie Sangole March 2, 2023

In my case, stage-4 is the final stage where it collects all the results from stages 2 and 3. Stage-3 does not execute because stage-2 failed. I cannot combine stages-2 and 3 because I only have 2 devices. Stage-2 runs frontend tests on the 2 devices and stage-3 runs backend tests on the same 2 devices. 

If I were to merge them then there is the risk of running frontend and backend tests on the same device in parallel  -  which will not work. 

Any suggestions on how I can effectively reduce test run-time?

Charlie Misonne
Community Leader
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March 2, 2023
If stage-2 fails because a device went down due to which tests were not executed 

Can you make sure the device does not go down? If only 3 out of 4 test jobs were executed you will have to rerun them anyway I think?

Any suggestions on how I can effectively reduce test run-time?

I'm afraid this this exceed my knowledge. It will also depend on the type of tests and technology you are using.

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Archie Sangole March 2, 2023

Thank you for the suggestions Charlie. I am currently working on a solution to detect and power-up any of the device(s) that go down. In that way, we can power-up the device that went down and then re-run the plan. 

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