which User Attributes from Atlassian Access can be used in Automation for Jira

Vinod Honnalli
August 12, 2020


I am looking for solution to an issue of associating Manager information to the user profile, so that when i raise an ticket from Jira Service Desk portal, manager infomration populates auomatically in the ticket view screen and later i would like to use this information to update "Approvers" field in Jira.

Basically when an ticket is created, i want to send an approval email to manager whose information i want to fetch from Atlassian access, So, can you help me to know what all information i can fetch using "Jira Automation Cloud" from "Atlassian access".

Any help will be highly appreaciated.



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Fabian Lim
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September 15, 2021

Hi @Vinod Honnalli

Looks like there is not much based on their documentation: https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/smart-values-users/


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