{{pullRequest}} smart values are empty

Emily Pinhasi July 4, 2024

we have jira cloud and bitbucket

the integration is working fine - i can manage and see the details of the branch and pull requests in jira as needed


in the automation rules, I would like to get teams notification when a pull request is created for a specific destination branch, but all the values i get for the {{pullRequest}} smart values are empty, so no trigger and the msg is actually empty

(the notification in teams works fine)


rule configuration I tried:
jql to filter key=XXXX (one that i know has a pull request, and i can see it in jira)

send teams msg with info:










the msg is sent but the info is empty


any idea what im doing wrong?


1 answer

2 votes
Jehan Bhathena
Community Leader
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July 5, 2024

Hi @Emily Pinhasi 

Can you add a screen shot of your automation rule's trigger and the action that you've mentioned.

As per https://support.atlassian.com/cloud-automation/docs/jira-smart-values-development/

These smart values are only available for the Pull request created, Pull request declined and Pull request merged triggers

Also, to debug is a certain value is present would recommend using the 'Log Action' action to see if thr smart value actually has a value or not.

Emily Pinhasi July 5, 2024

tries the log-action, same result - empty values

my trigger at the moment is a scheduled trigger, where the jql: key=<my issue that has pull request merged>, and i trigger it manually from "run rule"


the log-action:

{{pullRequest.destinationBranch}}  {{pullRequest.destinationBranch.url}}  {{pullRequest.destinationBranch.repository.name}}  {{pullRequest.destinationBranch.repository.url}} {{pullRequest.createdDate}}  {{pullRequest.state}} {{pullRequest.url}}


and in the log i get empty msg.



Jehan Bhathena
Community Leader
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July 5, 2024

Thanks for the image @Emily Pinhasi 

You will have to update your automation trigger as  https://support.atlassian.com/cloud-automation/docs/jira-smart-values-development/

Try setting it to Pull request created, Pull request declined and Pull request merged and then retry please.

Emily Pinhasi July 5, 2024

oh I see the problem, thank you very much


changed my trigger, waiting for someone to merge a pullrequest :) 

Jehan Bhathena
Community Leader
Community Leader
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July 5, 2024


If the automation works after the change, please mark this thread as Accepted, so that it's more visible to the rest of the community

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