move parent issue if child issues are finished.

Francisco Navarro
January 15, 2025

Hello dear community.

I used the atlassian template to implement an automation which moves my parent issue to "Done" based on the child issues once they are closed.

I ran it but I get some warnings and I would like to know what is the reason.

automation2.jpgautomation1.jpgI am attaching images with the details of the automation and the warnings.

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John Funk
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January 15, 2025

Hi Francisco,

This is most likely on the final action in the rule where it does the transition. Can you share details of that action? If it is trying to set the Resolution field at the same time it is transitioning, that is probably your problem. 

Check the workflow to see if there is a transition screen on that transition where the user selects the Resolution. 

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