linked issues automation

kobi shaked
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January 12, 2025


I would appreciate you help!
I have an automation that when i create a new Epic, 2 new issues are created from 2 difference projects. 
I'm trying to find a way to linked also both new tasks to each other (not the Epic task)

Thank you!

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Valerie Knapp
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January 12, 2025

Hi @kobi shaked , welcome to the Atlassian Community and thanks for your question. 

Please post some screens of what you have so far so we can take a look. 

Can you also please specify, are they all the same type of project? Are they all company-managed? 

Have you tried something and it didn't work? If so, please share also the audit log so we can see what's going wrong. 

Looking forward to this information


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