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Webhooks for @ mentions/tags

Mila Boshnakova
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October 3, 2022


I'm currently working with the program Zapier to automate some processes within our organization.

Currently, we're looking to set up a "Zap" which will be triggered anytime someone is tagged/mentioned within a Jira task, resulting in a task created in that person's Microsoft ToDo list.

Zapier support have advised that the trigger must be a webhook (some type of code, from what I understand?) from Jira which catches that tag/mention -see below:

If it's possible for you to set up Jira Software Cloud to:
1. Send "webhook requests" to a specific URL when
2. If those webhooks contain all the data you want to use, then you could use the Zapier by Webhooks "Catch Hook" trigger to trigger your Zaps 

Could someone please advise if such a code exists, and if so, what it is?

Thank you in advance!

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Stefan Salzl
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October 4, 2022

Hi @Mila Boshnakova 

need to assume that I haven´t ever seen zapier but would like to try to find a solution:

As far as I got from the zapier site/docu so far you would need to configure a "catch hook" trigger first. This will provide an URL --> that´s (let´s say) the "destination adress".

see the following video describing this step:


The next step would be to create a webhook in Jira. This webhook needs to be configured with the URL from the previous step. So the information/paload from that event will be sent to your zapier API.

see the documentation "How to register a webhook in Jira"


Hope this could give you some more detailed and hlepful input.


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