Updating fixVersion using more options custom field updating not working

Conor Carey September 28, 2020

Hi all, I'm trying to use JIRA automation to update our fix version automatically based on the base branch we merge our feature branch into.


My automation looks like:Screen Shot 2020-09-28 at 12.40.34 PM.png Does it look like I'm setting this up incorrectly? I also couldn't find any information on putting smart values inside quotes along with a string value as a sort of "Interpolation", so that might be incorrect as well, but really not sure

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Andreas Knecht
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 29, 2020

Hi Conor,


You can just add the Fix Version field using the simple form.

  1. Remove everything you have in the 'Additional fields' field
  2. Hit 'Choose fields to set' and add the Fix version field
  3. Simply paste your smart value into the field

Also make sure please that you don't have spaces in your smart value after and before the curly braces.

Hope that helps!


Conor Carey September 30, 2020

Thank you @Andreas Knecht! I think this is the correct answer and I will accept it. Unfortunately it did not work though and I'm wondering if that's because of my smart value.

Do you mind confirming this is set up correctly? I'm having a hard time finding documentation of exactly how to set this up.

The branch substring after - should be some like "1.0.0" and I want to add a V to it so it comes out to "V1.0.0".

I set my smart value up in the image attached.Screen Shot 2020-09-29 at 6.10.21 PM.png

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